Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Antonio Pierce: BE A MAN

I really want to move on from the Giants at this point, I do. But then I read something like this from Ralph Vacchiano's (excellent) Blue Screen blog that makes me get out of bed a half hour earlier than usual, put down my iPhone and write an angry blog post.
Francesa also asked Pierce if he thought the Giants would’ve been better off if he and Burress had just stayed in that night and maybe rented a movie.

“It don’t matter,” Pierce said. “Accidents happen all the time. You don’t know what kind of accident you might have. I might’ve fallen down the stairs. I don’t know. I can’t go over the what-ifs. All I know is what happened that night and what I was responsible for doing and what I was try to do for a teammate and a friend.

Antonio... You. Fucked. Up. Say it with me now "Plax and I both fucked up. We made some bad decisions that night. If I was a leader that night like everyone likes to say I am on the field, I would have made some better decisions and things might have turned out differently. You are right, If we had stayed in and watched The Notebook with our wives, none of this terrible shit would have happened. We let our team down and I will always regret that."

You could have fallen down the stairs. But you know what makes that a flawed analogy? WALKING DOWN THE STAIRS WON'T GET YOU A MANDATORY THREE YEAR PRISON SENTENCE, UNLIKE CARRYING A LOADED ILLEGAL HANDGUN INTO THE BORO OF MANHATTAN OR (ALLEGEDLY) STASHING IT IN JERSEY. One of those actions my 93 (almost 94, Hi Gram!) year old grandmother does on a regular basis, and the other, only a very select amount of very stupid/arrogant/irresponsible/paranoid/delusional criminals do.

It's really pathetic that I (a 24 year old single dude) has to give you a lecture over the internet like I'm the mother of an asshole 12 year old, but Jesus Christ. Take some responsibility. You've got three kids man. You make millions of dollars and seem to be at times competent in your chosen vocation. You were the United Way's 2007 "Man of the Year". MAN THE FUCK UP.

Grrrrr. This day is going to be awesome!

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