This summer has been a busy one for both of us and despite our best efforts, we just haven't been able to post a steady volume of content. The best blogs are the ones that are updated frequently enough to make you want to check them at least once a day. I'd like to think that we achieved that status for a pretty long stretch here (over a year and a half), however, it requires a massive amount of time and dedication maintain that pace, two things that are in very short supply right now.
As Dennis "Cutty" Wise said in one of the more poorly acted scenes in the greatest television show of all time, "the game ain't in me no more".
I'm hardly at my computer at all during the day, which has taken me out of the rhythm of writing and Matt's schedule has been especially frenetic as of late. Maintaining a blog shouldn't feel like an obligation, and when you are doing it as a hobby, don't have a huge readership and the only chances you have to write most days come before and after work, eventually the inspiration to read and write voraciously enough to blog competently is going to dry up. It was only a matter of time.
It's not as if we are going to shut down the site completely, however. We just aren't going to attempt to keep up with previews for every game and there likely won't be any recaps either. Instead, we'll probably end up writing more analytical or historical pieces, jumping into the conversation every so often instead of trying to tread water and keep up with torrent of news and issues going on with the Yanks on a daily basis. If we find the time to post, this is where it will go, but whether that will be every couple of days, once a week or even less will vary.
As I have many times in the past, I would suggest starting up an account on Google Reader and subscribing to our feed. That way, you'll be automatically notified when we post something as opposed to having to come to the site and check, which could get pretty annoying as the flow of posts slows to a trickle. If you want to keep up with us on a more frequent basis, you can follow our shared items on GReader (Jay, Matt) as well. We got a pretty fantastic crew of ShareBros including the dudes from River Ave. Blues, Moshe from TYU, Jonah Keri, Tommy Bennett, Rob Iracane from Walk Off Walk, Lar from Wezen-Ball, Andy Hutchins from The Sporting Blog and many others.
See you around, Fackers.
Sailin' on, sailin' on,
I can hear sweet voices singin, hear sweet music playin',
Sailin' on, sailin' on,
Oh, I wish you were here with me when I'm sailin on.
Sailin' On by Bad Brains is way better.
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear that you will be sticking around even though posts won't be all that frequent. My favorite WPA chart this year? This:
Also liked your screen capture of this peeved fan:
"Sail On, Sail On" by NRBQ...
ReplyDeleteGood move, fellas. This shouldn't be an obligation. When you write, we'll read.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the "less is more"
I guess that's okay with me. But because I am only mostly lazy, I will not step back from checking the site a couple times a day, hoping to be pleasantly surprised that there's something new up.
ReplyDeleteWhat Mode said.
ReplyDeleteThis is a tough loss; as I'd mentioned to Jay a little while back FY became my de facto Yankee blog after RAB. The combination of intelligence, levity and humor readers were treated to day after day at Fack Youk was unsurpassed, and the Yankee blogosphere simply won't be the same.
That being said, I certainly don't blame you for scaling things back. Blogging's supposed to fun; not feel like an obligation. I don't look forward to the day when I inevitably burn out, though hopefully hat won't be for a while.
Still looking forward to whatever you guys do end up posting here.
All of the comments above share parts of my sentiment. When I used to work for Comcast on the overnight shift, I would read LoHud, RAB, RLYW, Banter, WW, NoMaas, Bronx Block/Pending Pinstripes (most of those writers now at TYU) and the official website as well. That dwindled as I had less time to LoHud and RAB. RAB posted a link to here and after seeing it a few times decided to start reading here and I have loved it ever since. Daily I come here and always am satisfied (also started back with Banter too) so on a personal level I will miss the numerous posts but completely understand the demands of maintaining a blog and that you guys have lives and want to enjoy this and not feel chained by it. Hope to see you guys able to come back to it soon.
ReplyDeleteDitto a lot of what's been said. As a Yank in Beantown, Fack Youk is just an awesome place to hang with some like minded, hilarious yet thought filled banter. I'll check in but will miss the daily hard nosed wisdom. Thanks for what's already been done and good luck with what's ahead.
ReplyDeleteWell said fellas. I'll definitely miss the daily updates, hilarious commentary and stellar tunes that highlight this site each and every day. It's safe to say if all my fellow Yanks fans didn't get to this site the past year, they really missed out.
ReplyDeleteI wish you both luck and hope than when I come stop by, the sporadic posts are just as good as the day to day commentary I was used to!
Fair winds and following seas. Though only sort of since you aren't completely hanging it up.
ReplyDeleteLike every one else, I'll miss the well done daily updates and level-headed analysis. But if it's becoming a chore (or at least feeling like one), then you're definitely making the right move. Best of luck!
I'll miss the day to day stuff, but look forward to future posts.. Keep kicking ass guys
ReplyDeleteFind a college kid who has some time to be a third writer ... then you can have him do game to game shit and you guys do your methodical pieces.
ReplyDeleteJoba is gay, have a day!
Robertson should be the Yanks setup man. Check out www.thefantasybaseballguru.com leave comments ask qs and follow me on Twitter at beatboston1995
ReplyDeleteDAMN, will miss the best Yankee blog in existence.
ReplyDeleteSo, one more time cuz I hate the FUCK!!!!.................FACK YOOOOUUUUUKKKK!!!, You Fackin'Fack MOTHER FACKER!!!!!
boston SUX!!!!!!
YES!!!11!! no longer will teh internetz be polluted with the daily ASININE drivel of two stock trading hom0 frat boyz who deliverz neither inteeligence or lulz!!! FUCK OFF YANKEE FAGGOTS!!!
Hey Jeff, I thought the chemical castration in lieu of jail time ws supposed to help you calm down, No?
ReplyDeletejust keep us posted guys, you dudes rule!