Maybe this fellow is just your average, run-of-the-mill weirdo, but going to a baseball game by yourself, playing with some sort of stuffed animal/puppet and sitting in the last row really screams "Amber Alert". I don't want to get on his bad side, but judging by those headphones I don't think he would know what a blog was if one got separated from its parents at a ballpark and asked him for help.
This guy was creeping me out to no end on the big screen today. 15 minutes of stadium fame for having your hand up a rabbit's ass.
ReplyDeleteand you call yourself Christian? Forshame. You can do better than this post, no?
ReplyDelete"and you call yourself Christian? Forshame. You can do better than this post, no?" Really...?
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and perhaps this guy is harmless enough. Regardless, he still isn't doing himself any favors with perception.
I don't claim any religious affiliation, Anon, and I think we do better than this post on a pretty regular basis. But once in a while I don't have a problem with putting up a somewhat offensive satirical post to get a few laughs. This guy is probably harmless, but you've gotta admit, a little creepy, right?
ReplyDeleteMatt, didn't see your comment before I published mine, but apparently we are on the same page.
ReplyDeleteI think so Jay. Also, I hope you don't mind but I'm doing a little shameless advertising on behalf of my own Blog (High Tea with Churls). It's not really baseball related. Anyway, I hope you don't mind I included the link within my signature. Also, I realize I did more shameless advertisement now in explaining my prior decision. Realllllly slick, eh?
ReplyDeleteNo problem at all, man, that's what the option is there for. I already checked it out by the way, and I really like the detailed descriptions - you paint the picture well. You're off to a good start, the hard part is keeping it up.
ReplyDeleteLol well thanks, Jay. I take that as quite the compliment. FY is one of the blogs I check out daily so it's great to get your endorsement. I'll know I've "arrived" when I have a follower listed.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean though. I've hosted blogs before and it's hard to keep up on it. By the way, I noticed on ESPN Gameday that they have a game winner predictor feature. The percent changes every pitch for the expected winner. Do you have any idea how this is calculated?
I haven't seen that feature, but I'm guessing it's similar to WPA (which we base our game recap charts on) in that they have taken the results of every game for something like the past 10 years and figured out how much of a chance a team has of winning based on the score and runners on base. I'm over simplifying it a bit, but I think that's the only semi-scientific way you can really do it.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't take into account the individual players teams involved, so it's more of a rule-of-thumb type measure.
You know this guy drives an ice cream truck during the summer. Probably an elementary school janitor the rest of the year...
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sure he's a good guy.
This guy used to sit in tier 6 way in the upper deck of the old stadium- he's a weirdo allright, but harmless. Keeps to himself, aside from the muttering.
ReplyDeleteHadn't seen him at the new stadium yet, but glad to see that all the character of the old stadium isn't in rubble....
First we lost Matsuifan, now this guy is back. the horror.
And also glad I used the chance to move my seats, so I'm not creeped out by this guy anymore.
He kinda looks like Francesa.