[Read from the bottom up]

After seeing Youk's tweet, I figured I had to respond with something. How else could an asshole like myself interact with the guy I named this blog after hating? I would have nothing to say to anyone else on the Red Sox, but I've been curious to know what he would think of the name of the site and the fact it does exist.
Interestingly, he did respond, but it's tough to tell if he actually took any time to process what he wrote and who he said it to. The guy responds to everyone. Surely he would have known the Yankees lost almost immediately after finishing the game at Fenway, so the question mark after "you lost" doesn't make a whole lot of sense if he knew we were Yankees fans. But he's a baseball player, not a writer. That was the extent of the conversation because he bowed out shortly thereafter, so I'm not sure what to make of it.
Interestingly, he did respond, but it's tough to tell if he actually took any time to process what he wrote and who he said it to. The guy responds to everyone. Surely he would have known the Yankees lost almost immediately after finishing the game at Fenway, so the question mark after "you lost" doesn't make a whole lot of sense if he knew we were Yankees fans. But he's a baseball player, not a writer. That was the extent of the conversation because he bowed out shortly thereafter, so I'm not sure what to make of it.
Have we been acknowledged?
I'm going to go with yes. I think that question mark after you lost was an accident. Though who other than a Yankee fan would take the time to devote a whole blog to hating on a Red So(ck)? With a picture of Youk giving someone the middle finger??